Refurbish your paddling pool

Are you wondering what to do with an old paddling pool?

Could your local community benefit from the regeneration of a paddling pool? Our team is experienced in creating self-funding water play experiences for local authorities and community projects. If you have a paddling pool that needs updating, get in touch to find out how we can help.

Benefits of updating your paddling pool to a splashpad:

  1. Less maintenance
  2. Safer experience
  3. No lifeguarding required
  4. Faster opening
  5. Cleaner
  6. More play experiences available
  7. Accessible For all ages
  8. Accessible For all abilities
  9. Interactive
  10. Cost effective
  11. Memorable experience
  12. Larger attraction
  13. Easier to clean
  14. Dry deck

Refurbish your splashpad

We can also revitalise your splashpad, utilising existing plantroom features and inground fixings to improve cost effectiveness and install our bespoke UK manufactured features with custom fixings to fit any existing anchor base.

Signs your splashpad needs an update:

  1. Rubber safety flooring has started to crumb.
    If you’re noticing a lot of rubber particles in the drains and tank it could mean that your safety floor needs replacing. The average life expectancy is usually around 4-6 years.
  2. Faded colour on the features.
    If you’ve noticed the outdoor elements have started to dull the vibrant colour of play features, they might be due an upgrade. Due to U.V. exposure and wear from play, changes to the colour of features can happen after approximately 6 years.
  3. Poor circulation through filters.
    If you’ve noticed changes in water circulation, the filter media may need replacing. Typically, this is around 3-4 years after installation.
  4. Old features look dated.
    If you think your old features are starting to look a little out of date, new features can be installed to fit on existing anchor bases.
  5. Your Water treatment system isn’t cloud enabled.
    We can update you to a user friendly, cloud enabled system.
  6. You’re using too much water on a Single Use System.
    Converting to a Recirculating System will conserve water and drastically reduce water consumption.

If you have any questions on how we can update your current system, our Technical Team are happy to help!